Saturday, February 28, 2015

Dances for March 2, 2015 - Glashan School

Aye Afloat, The Portknockie Collection of Scottish Country Dances, devised by Margaret Zadworny

8 x 32  - 2 Couple Strathspey

1–4        1st couple set and change places with right hand. Finish facing down.

5–8        1st and 2nd couples change places on the sides with left hand and set.

9–16    2nd and 1st couples dance a ladies chain.

17–24    1st couple lead down (two steps) lead back up crossing above 2nd couple, and cast off one place.

25–32    2nd and 1st couples poussette right round.

Repeat from second place.

The hythe (or Sheltered Cove) was a natural harbour which, especially when the piers were added in the late 1880’s, provided shelter and good protection for the fishing fleet.

Duke of Perth or Pease Strae or Broun’s Reel
Book 1 – No. 8
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1–4        1st couple, giving right hands, turn and cast off one place.  2nd couple step up on bars 3-4.

5–8        1st couple, giving left hands, turn to face first corners.

9–16    1st couple turn first corners with the right hand, partner with the left hand, second corners with the right hand and partner with the left hand to finish facing first corners.   

17–24    1st couple set to and turn corners to finish between them facing first corners.

25–30    2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance reels of three on the sides. 1st couple pass first corners by the left to begin.

31–32    1st couple, giving right hands, cross over to second place on own sides.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

J. P. Boulogne:  The Ball-Room or the Juvenile Pupil’s Assistant, Glasgow 1827.
Original tune:  Duke of Perth’s Reel  (Bremner, 1757)

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Dances for February 23 - Churchill Recreation Centre

Purdy Pink Shoes
32-bar jig for two couples in a three or four-couple longwise set

1–2         1st and 2nd couples set advancing to join right hands with partners, 1st woman and 2nd man joining left hands in balance-in-line formation.

3–4        1st and 2nd couples balance in line.

5–6        1st and 2nd couples turn partners with the right hand half way round.

7–8        1st man and 2nd woman turn with the left hand three quarters of the way round while 1st woman and 2nd man dance clockwise one quarter of the way round them to finish facing partners in a line across the dance.

9–16    1st and 2nd couples dance a reel of four across the dance. On bars 15-16, 1st woman and 2nd man, having briefly passed left shoulders on bar 14, curve towards the right to finish at the ends of a line of four up and down the middle of the dance. 1st man and 2nd woman complete the reel by briefly passing left shoulders with one another on bar 16 to face partners. All finish in a line up and down the middle of the dance facing partners, women facing up and men facing down.

17–24    2nd and 1st couples dance a reel of four up and down the middle of the set.

25–28    2nd and 1st couples set to partners and dance a petronella turn to own sides.

29–32    2nd and 1st couples turn partner with the right hand once round.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Elaine Hoag and dedicated to Ardbrae member, Deborah Connors, who dances in “purdy” hot pink shoes and brings so much energy and joy to her dancing.

Suitable recorded music (6 x 32 bars): 
‘Purdy Pink Band Shoes’ by The Music Makars on Catch the Wind, Track 9

A 32-bar reel for 5 couples

1–4        First and third couples cross by the right and cast off one place, second and fourth couples stepping up.

5–8        First (third) couple lead down between fourth (fifth) couple and cast back up to second (fourth) place, still on wrong sides.

9–12    First and second couples, half rights and lefts; third and fourth couples, the same.

13–14    First and second couples dance a Petronella turn one place to the right around their square; third and fourth couples, the same.

15–16    Repeat bars 13–14; this brings you all back to where you were at the end of bar 8.

17–20    Right hand wheels: first man with second couple; first lady and third man with fourth couple; and third lady with fifth couple. All end on the sidelines.

21–24    Left hand wheels: first lady with second couple; first man and third lady with fourth couple; and third man with fifth couple. Again, end on the sidelines.

25–28    First and third couples cross by the right and cast off one place on your own side, fourth and fifth couples stepping up.

29–32    All turn partners once by the right hand.

Repeat with a new top couple.
The fifth time through, “birl as you will” on bars 29–32.

Tony Moretti, Auburn, N.H.
Dedicated to Andrew Rankine for his contributions to Scottish Country Dancing.

Suggested music: “The Plantation Reel” on Andrew Rankine’s record “Westering Home” (Emerald GES 1141) –a medley of folk tunes from the southern U.S.A., played in S.C.D. style!

The Pinewoods Collection of Scottish Country Dances, Vol. 2

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Dances for February 9, 2015


Devised by Claude Hutton in February, 2013 to once more honour The Sam Waller Museum in The Pas, Manitoba and danced for the first time at their second annual fund raising gala on St. Patrick's Day, 2013.

32 bar strathspey for two couples in a four-couple longwise set

1-4        1W and 2M set and giving RH change places, while 1M & 2W giving RH change places and set.

5-8        Repeat bars 1-4 to original places.

9-12    2s, followed by 1s, lead down for two bars, then dance RH across half-way.

13-14    2s, followed by 1s, taking nearer hands, dance up and out to the sidelines, 2s at the top finish facing out and 1s in 2nd place finish facing up, all on opposite sides.

15-16    2W, on the men’s side, pulls back LSh and turns 1W LH right round to end facing in on the sidelines with nearer hands joined.  At the same time, 2M, on the women’s side, pulls back RSh and turns 1M RH right round to finish facing in on the sidelines with nearer hands joined.

17-18    With nearer hands joined, 2s & 1s set.

19-24    2s & 1s dance La Baratte.

25-32    2s & 1s dance rights and lefts.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

La Baratte (6.18)

‘La Baratte’ is described during bars 3-8, however, it is usually preceded by setting on bars 1-2 of the eight bar phrase.

6 setting steps in 6 bars in quick time or strathspey tempo

Bars 1-2:    Each man, giving right hands, turns the woman opposite him halfway round.  They retain hands, but dance sufficiently past each other to stretch their arms almost to the full extent.
Bar 3-4:    Each dancer returns on the line along which he, or she, has just travelled.  During bar 3, the woman dances under the man’s right arm, (pulling back by the right) so that she has her back towards him.  The man is now directly behind the woman and he extends his arms sideways with his hands, palms upward, just above her shoulder height.  The woman puts her left hand under the man’s left hand curling her fingers over his so that both handholds are symmetrical.  Releasing right hands, the woman dances under the man’s left arm, again pulling back by the right.  The dancers’ retain left hands.
Bars 5-6:    Dance a half turn out to opposite sides.

Baratte is the French word for churn, as in butter churn.  It can be danced by one or more couples.

48-bar jig for three couples in a three-couple longwise set by Craig Williams

1–8         1st couple lead down the middle and up and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 7-8.
9–16    1st couple set to first corners and dance la baratte.

17–20     2nd man, followed by 1st man dances up behind 2nd woman and down the middle while 3rd woman, followed by 1st woman dances down behind 3rd man and up the middle.   

21–24    1st couple and first corners dance left hands across to finish with 1st couple in second place on own sides and first corners having changed places (i.e. 2nd man in 3rd woman’s place and 3rd woman in 1st man’s place).

25–32    1st couple set to second corners and dance la baratte, beginning with a left hand turn..

33–36    3rd man, followed by 1st man dances down behind 2nd man (in third place) and up the middle while 2nd woman, followed by 1st woman, dances up behind 3rd woman (in first place) and down the middle.

37–40    1st couple and second corners dance right hands across to finish with 1st couple in second place on own sides and second corners having changed places (i.e. 3rd man in 1st woman’s place and 2nd woman in 3rd man’s place).

41–44        Half reels of three across the dance, 1st man up, passing 3rd man by the right and 1st woman down, passing 2nd woman by the right to begin.

45–48        1st couple turn partner with the right hand one and a half times to finish in second place on own sides.

Repeat from new positions.